Letter for BLCK

Dear Blacklist International,

I want to take a moment to send you a message of encouragement and support after your recent loss against Onic Indonesia at MSC 2023. It’s important to remember that setbacks and defeats are a natural part of any competitive journey. What truly defines champions is how they respond to these challenges.

You have already proven yourselves to be an incredible team, showcasing immense skill, determination, and teamwork throughout your journey. This loss does not diminish your achievements or the hard work you have put in to reach this level of competition. It’s a testament to your dedication and passion for the game.

Remember that every defeat serves as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Take this experience as a valuable lesson to analyze your strategies, identify areas for development, and further refine your gameplay. Use this setback as fuel to come back stronger, more resilient, and even more formidable in the future.

The path to success is rarely smooth, and it is the adversities you encounter that will shape you into the true champions you aspire to be. Stay united as a team, support each other, and let this loss serve as a stepping stone towards even greater accomplishments.

Believe in yourselves, trust in your abilities, and continue to push the boundaries of what you can achieve. Remember that the esports community stands behind you, applauding your efforts, and eagerly awaiting your future triumphs.

Blacklist International, you have already made a name for yourselves as one of the best teams in the world. Keep your heads held high, embrace the challenge, and let your determination shine through. Your journey has inspired many, and I have no doubt that you will rise above this setback and soar to new heights.

Wishing you strength, resilience, and unwavering spirit as you continue to pursue your dreams.

One of your agents,
